Category: Forex Trading

Arbitraż kryptowalut Aktualne notowania i ceny walut cyfrowych

Nie musisz dzięki temu nawet wchodzić na giełdę, aby szybko ocenić, czy jest to arbitraż godny uwagi. Musisz tutaj działać bardzo szybko, aby uprzedzić inne osoby, które też chcą wykonać arbitraż kryptowalut. Często zdarza się, że zanim Twoje środki zaksięgują się na docelowej giełdzie, cała kwota zostanie już sprzedana i cena wróci do standardowej. W tej sytuacji nie masz innego wyjścia, niż sprzedać kryptowalutę w podobnej cenie, w jakiej ją zakupiłeś. Jak już pewnie wiesz, kryptowaluty możesz sprzedawać i kupować na giełdach kryptowalut.

W Polsce zarabianie na Bitcoinie jest legalne, a fiskus uznaje obrót kryptowalutami jak typowe transakcje przy użyciu dowolnych aktywów. Na razie nabycie i posiadanie kryptowalut w Polsce nie podlega opodatkowaniu, ale już przygotowywane są nowe regulacje w tym zakresie. Podatek od zysków uzyskiwanych z takich transakcji to podatek dochodowy, a podatnicy są zobowiązani do rozliczania transakcji z wykorzystaniem kryptowalut przynoszące dochody w składanej w urzędzie skarbowym deklaracji PIT. Dotyczy to zarówno osób fizycznych, jak i przedsiębiorców. Na podkreślenie zasługuje to, że inwestycje w kryptowaluty to ryzykowne przedsięwzięcie.

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Istotą sporu między podatnikiem a fiskusem okazała się tym razem kwestia tego, w którym miejscu takie usługi są właściwie świadczone. Projekt zmian z dnia 25 września 2018 roku do ustawy o podatku dochodowym Wskaźnik Forex ADXM dla MT4 od osób fizycznych oraz od osób prawnych został podpisany przez Prezydenta RP w dniu 14 listopada 2018 roku. Wprowadzenie odrębnych regulacji dotyczących zasad opodatkowania dochodów z walut wirtualnych.

arbitraż kryptowalut

Algorytm handlowy świetnie sprawdzi się w tworzeniu modeli matematycznych, które potrafią przewidywać ceny kryptowalut i potrafią umiejętnie wymieniać je między sobą. Sekretem sukcesu jest tutaj szybkość – takie luki zwykle nie trwają zbyt długo. Ale – jeśli rynek zostanie zmierzony prawidłowo – zyski mogą być ogromne.

Giełdy kryptowalut – TOP 5

Siły popytu i podaży powodują, że kryptowaluty zmieniają swoje kursy – raz nabierają wartości, a raz tracą ją. Można powiedzieć, że kryptowaluty funkcjonują na globalnym, wolnym rynku finansowym. Od niedawna można je kupować i sprzedawać, w ramach działań inwestycyjnych z wykorzystaniem oferty giełd. Inwestycje kryptowalutowe stają się coraz bardziej popularne na świecie, głównie z uwagi na rozwój tego rynku, ale i poszerzanie wiedzy na ten temat wśród zainteresowanych. Jedną z najważniejszych z nich jest tak zwane „cyfrowe złoto”, czyli Bitcoin. Są i inne kryptowaluty, w tym Ether , Ripple, Litecoin i tym podobne.

arbitraż kryptowalut

W przypadku błędów, prosimy spróbować wygenerować raport ponownie za kilka-kilkadziesiąt minut, a w przypadku, gdy problem będzie cały czas się powtarzał, prosimy okontaktpodając maila, użytego do rejestracji wPanelu Klienta. Jeżeli chodzi o tąkwestię, to aby zabezpieczyć zyski najlepiej wymienić kryptowalutę na jakiegoś stablecoina. Konwersja na FIAT może być gorszym pomysłem, jako że następuje wtedy obowiązek podatkowy (podatek od kryptowalut obowiązuje jedynie w przypadku wymiany krypto na waluty tradycyjne). To zależy, ile pieniędzy w nie zainwestujesz, kiedy, jak wytypujesz waluty wirtualne do inwestowania i którą metodę lokowania środków finansowych wybierzesz. BitClude – polska giełda kryptowalutowa, która funkcjonuje od 2017 roku.

Inwestor bierze posiadający złotówki dostrzegł, że kupując Euro za dolary amerykańskie będzie miał okazję zarobić. Dokonuje więc arbitrażu korzystając z 3 różnych par walutowych. Inną drogą do wejścia w posiadania Bitcoina jest jego zakup np. Musisz jedynie wytypować odpowiedni moment, w którym rzeczywiście najbardziej warto kupić waluty cyfrowe. Kiedy są one wyceniane na bardzo wysokim poziomie, to ryzyko spadku wartości Bitcoina czy innej kryptowaluty jest wysokie.

Kupujesz kryptowalutę w bardzo okazyjnej cenie, która jest dostępna tylko na jednej giełdzie. Czas przesyłu kryptowaluty przez sieć – każda giełda wymaga dla danej kryptowaluty określoną ilość potwierdzeń transakcji z sieci. Po wystąpieniu bloku z Twoją transakcją w blockchainie musisz więc jeszcze odczekać, aż Małe innowacje mogą uczynić duże wyniki nową książkę od Square Execs pojawi się pewna ilość kolejnych bloków. Możesz to wszystko śledzić w blockchainie, posiadając ID transakcji, które zazwyczaj udostępnia giełda źródłowa po dokonaniu transferu. Największa część kryptowalut oparta jest o protokół ERC20, gdzie uzyskanie ilości 30 potwierdzeń trwa od kilku do kilkunastu minut.

Choć od pojawienia się bitcoina upłynęło już ponad 8 lat, fiskus nadal w jego sprawach zachowuje się jak schizofrenik, kłócąc się sam ze sobą. Jednak eksperci ci zapomnieli, że osobliwością chińskiej myśli politycznej jest to, że Chiny rzadko „grają na polu, które do nich nie należy” i gdzie są zmuszane do gry zgodnie z regułami ustanowionymi przez innych. I tym razem Chiny, wykorzystały swoją starą strategię, w myśl której „głos słychać ze Wschodu, a cios dochodzi z Zachodu”.

Samozwańczy Satoshi Nakamoto krytykuje Bitcoina. “To scam bez żadnej wartości”

Celem bloga jest adaptacja kryptowalut, a wszystkie zaprezentowane przykłady i porady nie są poradą inwestycyjną. Wysokie prowizje – Ze względu na niską rentowność w transakcjach arbitrażowych, nawet niewielka Europejski letnią akcji przed rozmowach Brexit wznowić opłata transakcyjna na wykorzystywanych platformach może spowodować utratę zysków. Pomimo złożoności i dużych wymagań co do kapitału obrotowego, transakcje arbitrażowe należą do strategii o minimalnym ryzyku.

Kolejnym krokiem w celu spopularyzowania walut wirtualnych było wyłączenie kryptowalut spod opodatkowania japońskim podatkiem konsumpcyjnym „JCT”. Po kilku latach niepewności podatnicy doczekali się regulacji dotyczących podatkowego rozliczania kryptowalut. Polska dołączyła do grona państw z uregulowaną sytuacją prawną wirtualnej waluty. W konsekwencji przyjęcia powyższych zasad, poniesiona strata z obrotu walutami wirtualnymi, nie będzie mogła być odliczona od innych dochodów podatnika, np. Ze sprzedaży akcji, czy też z prowadzonej działalności gospodarczej.

Na tej podstawie można sądzić, że to raczej cena na HitBTC będzie dążyć do ceny na Bittrex, a nie odwrotnie. Cena na Bittrex wynosi 60 Satoshi, a tymczasem na HitBTC ktoś chce sprzedać dużą ilość po cenie 0,0005 $, czyli, uwaga, mniej niż 8 Satoshi! Dodatkowo widać, że głębokość rynku na Bittrex wygląda dość standardowo (po ofercie za 60 Sat są zaraz kolejne w podobnych cenach), a na HitBTC jest tylko kilka tak tanich ofert, a pozostałe są już ok. 2x droższe. Tak jak wspomniałem wcześniej, kupno kryptowaluty po zaniżonej cenie stawia Cię często automatycznie na wygranej pozycji. Najlepiej jest szybko kupić coś tanio i potem na spokojnie szukać miejsca sprzedaży. Dużo trudniej jest sprzedać kryptowalutę wyjątkowo drogo po uprzednim kupieniu jej na innej giełdzie i szybkim transferze.

Do niedawna wirtualna waluta bitcoin wywoływała niemałe perturbacje w kwestii opodatkowania podatkiem VAT w państwach Unii Europejskiej. Polskie organy podatkowe (ale również np. Estonia) zajmowały stanowisko, iż sprzedaż bitcoinów stanowi odpłatne świadczenie usług i jako takie podlega opodatkowaniu według stawki podstawowej. Bitcoin jest coraz częściej wykorzystywany w transakcjach handlowych, a w konsekwencji również ujmowany przez jego użytkowników w ewidencji księgowej i podatkowej.

  • W kolejnym kroku wybieramy już walutę, którą chcemy wymienić oraz walutę, na jaką chcemy dokonać wymiany.
  • Kopanie kryptowalut to proces dodawania rekordów transakcji do publicznej księgi poprzednich transakcji Bitcoina.
  • Giełda wysokiego ryzyka, gdzie można trafić świetną okazję, ale też zamrozić kapitał na dłuższy czas.
  • Pod koniec 2008 roku pojawił się w sieci manifest Satoshi Nakamoto, który jest twórcą Bitcoina.
  • Dzięki osobom z pewnej grupy na Facebooku dowiedziałem się o projekcie, z którego korzystałem na początku swojej przygody z arbitrażem.

Koreańskie giełdy kryptowalut ze względu na obowiązujące przepisy od kilku lat nie akceptują zagranicznych inwestorów. Można to łatwo zobrazować posługując się prostym przykładem. Wyobraź sobie sytuację, że udajesz się na targ w miejscowości A, gdzie dokonujesz zakupu 10 kilogramów ziemniaków, w cenie 3 zł za kilogram. Następnie udajesz się do miejscowości B, gdzie na innym targu sprzedajesz zakupione ziemniaki, jednak już po cenie 4 zł za kilogram. Powstała w ten sposób różnica 10 złotych jest osiągniętym przez Ciebie zyskiem. Dzięki niemu będziesz w stanie bezpiecznie kupować, sprzedawać, wysyłać, odbierać i przechowywać Bitcoiny oraz inne kryptowaluty w aplikacji mobilnej dostępnej na smartfony z systemem Android lub iOS.

Jeśli cena jest zaniżona już od wielu dni, to prawie na pewno występuje długoterminowy problem z przesłaniem kryptowaluty na inne giełdy. W takiej sytuacji raczej nie ma co liczyć na droższą sprzedaż. W przeciwieństwie do czasu transakcji, jej koszt możesz najczęściej dokładnie poznać jeszcze przed wysłaniem środków. W większości przypadków koszt ten jest stały, niezależny od wielkości transferu i wyrażony w przesyłanej kryptowalucie. Na przykład przesyłając kryptowalutę Lisk z giełdy BitBay na dowolną inną giełdę, zawsze zapłacisz 0,1 LSK kosztów transakcyjnych. W tym momencie jest to równowartość 1,10 zł, co jest niewielkim kosztem.

Kursy kryptowalut

Kryptowaluty działają w ten sposób, że ich posiadacze mają je w formie szyfrowanego kodu cyfrowego, który zapisany jest w elektronicznym portfelu. Użytkownik ma przypisany do niego klucz prywatny, za pośrednictwem którego może korzystać ze zgromadzonych walut wirtualnych i dokonywać transakcji. Informacje o nich nie trafiają do centralnego systemu, ale do sieci komputerów użytkowników w rozproszonej bazie blockchain.

Istnieją przepisy dotyczące odpłatnego zbywania walut wirtualnych. Na złotówki polski ustawodawca uważa za osiąganie przychodów. Przychód ten musi być rozliczony na deklaracji PIT-38, która powinna trafić do właściwego urzędu skarbowego najpóźniej do 30 kwietnia danego roku podatkowego. Podstawą opodatkowania jest dochód, czyli różnica pomiędzy przychodem a kosztem uzyskania przychodów, tj. Wszelkimi wydatkami, które zostaną poniesione w celu osiągnięcia przychodu, zachowania lub zabezpieczenia jego źródła.

Aby przywrócić równowagę, protokół automatycznie obniża cenę LINK i podnosi cenę ETH. Zachęca to traderów do usuwania tańszego LINK i dodawania ETH, aż do momentu, gdy ceny dostosują się do reszty rynku. Każda pula jest finansowana przez dobrowolnych uczestników, którzy deponują swoje własne tokeny, aby zapewnić niezbędną płynność.


Podpowiadamy, jak wprowadzić kryptowaluty do legalnego obiegu. Z pomocą mogą przyjść spółki zagraniczne lub zmiana rezydencji podatkowej. Prawo podatkowe i towarzyszące mu ustawy bardzo często nie nadążają za otaczającą rzeczywistością, która zmienia się jak w kalejdoskopie. Dobrym tego przykładem jest brak dostosowania przepisów dotyczących dokumentowania kosztów uzyskania przychodu do fenomenu kryptowalut. Dla podatników oznacza to problemy z rozliczeniami, a fiskusowi umożliwia elastyczną interpretację przepisów.

Przy prawidłowym przeprowadzeniu arbitraż można uznać za pozbawiony ryzyka sposób wykorzystania tymczasowych różnic cen. Należy jednak pamiętać, że boty handlowe działają na wszelkiego rodzaju rynkach, a wiele z nich zostało specjalnie zaprojektowanych, aby wykorzystać możliwości arbitrażu. Dlatego handel arbitrażowy może stanowić pewne ryzyko w zależności od strategii i wykonania.

Commitments of Traders COT reports and charts

The aggregate of all traders’ positions reported to the Commission usually represents 70 to 90 percent of the total open interest in any given market. The COT reports are based on position data supplied by reporting firms . CFTC staff does not know specific reasons for traders’ positions and hence this information does not factor in determining trader classifications. Note that traders are able to report business purpose by commodity and, therefore, can have different classifications in the COT reports for different commodities. For one of the reports, Traders in Financial Futures, traders are classified in the same category for all commodities.

Open interest is the total of all futures and/or option contracts entered into and not yet offset by a transaction. We introduce people to the world of trading currencies, both fiat and crypto, through our non-drowsy educational content and tools. We’re also a community of traders that support each other on our daily trading journey. Find the approximate amount of currency units to buy or sell so you can control your maximum risk per position. Learn how to trade forex in a fun and easy-to-understand format.

  • The service requires full JavaScript support in order to view this website.
  • Because of their direct link to commodities, the commercials will predict future price developments much earlier than other participants in the market – and hedge against them.
  • Other Reportables – typically ‘buy-side’ and include reportable traders that that do not fit into none of the first three categories.
  • The traders in this category mostly are using markets to hedge business risk, whether that risk is related to foreign exchange, equities or interest rates.
  • Futures contracts are derivatives and are essentially agreements between two parties to exchange an underlying asset for a predetermined price on a predetermined date.

This is a long term/investment type of strategy designed to have a good idea about where the big trend direction is headed. Its logic, its made entirely on the COT report, mainly from looking into the net non comercial positions aka the speculators. For bullish trend we look that the difference between long non comercial vs short non comercial is higher than…

This script was created due to the lack of position of US Dollar Index Futures . It is designed to perform a much more liquid and inclusive position analysis. As the exponential ratios do not mean anything to positions, weights are used as multipliers instead of exponential functions. Swedish Krona Futures are not directly quoted in Quandl, therefore… While every care has been taken in preparing this material, we do not provide any representation or warranty with respect to its completeness or accuracy.

What the COT Report tells you

The data was originally released just once a month, but moved to once every week by 2000. Along with reporting more often, the COT report has become more extensive and – luckily for FX traders – it has also expanded to include information on foreign currency futures. If used wisely, the COT data can be a pretty strong gauge of price action. Clearing members, futures commission merchants, and foreign brokers file daily reports with the Commission. Those reports show the futures and option positions of traders that hold positions above specific reporting levels set by CFTC regulations.

cot report

Markets are only included if 20 or more traders hold positions equal to or above the reporting levels established by the CFTC and the respective exchanges. The category called “dealer/intermediary,” for instance, represents sellside participants. Typically, these are dealers and Making Sense Of Bitcoin And Blockchain intermediaries that earn commissions on selling financial products, capturing bid/offer spreads and otherwise accommodating clients. The remaining three categories (“asset manager/institutional;” “leveraged funds;” and “other reportables”) represent the buy-side participants.

The total net positions of speculators last week reached 47,621 contracts, down by 4,641 contracts compared to the previous week. This change is due to a decrease in long positions by 1,265 contracts and an increase in short positions by 3,376 contracts. This data suggests bearish sentiment on the Australian dollar, as the total net positions of large speculators are negative while at the same time there was a decline in them in the previous week. The total net positions of speculators last week amounted to -16,852 contracts, down by 6,256 contracts compared to the previous week.

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Afterwards, investors went bullish as the non-commercial traders started buying the pair. In the middle of November, as the net short positions hit the extreme level of 45,650, investors started to buy the EUR futures. Commodity traders have access to a special market report each week that provides a snapshot of the positions of large institutional traders and small speculators in each commodity futures category. This information is called the commitment of traders report or “COT report” and is provided by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. The supplemental report is the one that outlines 13 specific agricultural commodity contracts.

cot report

Wade developed the COT report graph including the calculations behind its sentiment line. He has tested the system in the live market and on past data and will share some of his findings in the presentation. The COT report is released each week after market close on Friday. As I mentioned above, the weekly data is useful but seeing the information within a chart to gather historical context can provide additional insight. There are several excellent, free sources for these kinds of charts on the internet.


COT reports are especially valuable for agriculture futures – less so for energy or metal markets. StoneX recommends you to seek independent financial and legal advice before making any financial investment decision. Trading CFDs and FX on margin carries a higher level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. The possibility exists that you could lose more than your initial investment further CFD investors do not own or have any rights to the underlying assets.

This is simply because any person trading the market has his own opinion on the future price of the shares, currencies, or commodities. This report breaks down the reportable open interest by non-commercial traders and commercial traders. The total net positions of large speculators are the difference between the number of long contracts and the number of short contracts of large speculators. The data is published every Friday and is delayed because it shows the status on Tuesday of the week. ​The total net positions of large speculators are the difference between the number of long contracts and the number of short contracts of large speculators.

cot report

As you can see, the net positions were relatively stable in the past 12 months. On the other hand, in early November 2009, the net long positions hit an extreme. Since there were no more buyers, the pair started to move downwards. Investment Limited cannot and will not accept clients from outside European Economic Area and from Belgium, Switzerland and USA.

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Open interest held or controlled by a trader is referred to as that trader’s position. For the COT Futures-and-Options-Combined report, option open interest and traders’ option positions are computed on a futures-equivalent basis using delta factors supplied by the exchanges. Long-call and short-put open interest are converted to long futures-equivalent open interest. Likewise, short-call and long-put open interest are converted to short futures-equivalent open interest. For example, a trader holding a long put position of 500 contracts with a delta factor of 0.50 is considered to be holding a short futures-equivalent position of 250 contracts. A trader’s long and short futures-equivalent positions are added to the trader’s long and short futures positions to give “combined-long” and “combined-short” positions.

Thus, as a general rule, more than half the open interest in most of these markets is held by commercial traders. There is also participation in these markets by speculators that are not able to deliver on the contract or that have Best Online Stock Brokers Of Jan 2021 2020 no need for the underlying commodity or instrument. They are buying or selling only to speculate that they will exit their position at a profit, and plan to close their long or short position before the contract becomes due.

More in COT Legecy »More in COT »

Net Noncommercial Positioning is the difference between the short and long open interest of noncommercial traders. Net positioning offers a particularly good measure of CoT data and tends to follow the price action. Both the sentiment line and the net long/short line are important trend indicators. Short term traders may use the sentiment line to define what kind of trades they are looking for based on the direction or trend of the red line. Longer term traders may only select trades that conform to the net long or short position of the black line. These can be an easy way to define investor sentiment and to understand the strength of the underlying trend.

As you can see above, traders were net short but had been trending more towards bullishness than bearishness based on the red line which measures the rate of change of that sentiment. The decline in bullish sentiment has been trending like that since mid-June before this particular image was taken. You can see the market’s reaction to declining investor bullishness in the chart of crude oil below. As investor sentiment cools, traders may become more cautious about their risk exposure with tighter stops or protective options. A commercial trader trades on behalf of a business or institution. Forex traders may use currency derivatives popular forex chart patternss to find large net long or net short positions.

Therefore, as a trader, you can use this information to determine whether to buy or sell an asset. Today we are going to analyze in detail the freight forwarder software , one of the most important reports of the CFTC, and how it can help us in trading. Price is going down, but new money do not flow into the market. 75.2% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage.

Forex Market Hours Forex Market Time Converter in 2022 Time converter, Forex, Time zone converter

Forex market hours run 24-hours a day during the week, but the market is closed on weekends. This continuous trading is only possible becauseforexis traded all over the world in decentralised venues. On the other hand, central banks don’t share the same motivations as forex speculators. In this manner, a 24-hour currency exchange may be ideal for Americans that don’t live on the east coast. About 16 percent of the Forex transactions worldwide take place during this session, making it the second largest FX market. Most of the financial market follows economic releases across wall street.

Most people are pretty familiar with the trading session most local to them (e.g…. The volume on NZD pairs is usually fairly low, so I wouldn’t focus on them. You can make useful combinations like JPY/USD, AUD/JPY, EUR/JPY, NZD/USD, NZD/JPY. These options are better for investors that are looking for high volatility in the Forex market during the Finance. Those investors that prefer lower volatility can trade with EUR/USD, USD/CHF, and other combinations of countries’ currencies that are not on working hours in those moments. There are many other notable countries that are present during this period, however, including China, Australia, New Zealand, and Russia. Considering how scattered these markets are, it makes sense that the beginning and end of the Asian session are stretched beyond the standard Tokyo hours.

This is important because overlapping markets are generally known to impact the liquidity and volatility of certain currency pairs, especially if it is a widely traded quote or base like JPY. There are central banks, hedge funds, and even tourists participating in it in some form or other. What you’re concerned with is the currency trading market, which is a subset of the broader forex market. The signals are generated in the ‘Trading Room’, which is the central hub for all members. In addition, traders can tune into daily live streams inside the Trading Room to review FX markets in real time with the analysts.

Swing Trading vs Day Trading: Meaning, Differences, Pros, & Cons

So, if you are trying to buy USD/JPY in the middle of the night when nobody in the United States or Japan are awake, then there is a good chance that you will have a hard time doing business. The Sydney/Tokyo markets overlap (2 a.m. to 4 a.m.) is not as volatile as the U.S./London overlap, but it still offers opportunities. Fig 3.The best time for you to trade forex will depend on which currency pair you’re looking to trade. And in times when the market is quiet – in the Asian session, the best option would often be not to open a position and even not to turn on the trading terminal. It is imperative to know the overlap timings for each session to figure out the most liquid trading hours in Indian timing. However, traders should first determine whether low or high volatility suits their trading style.

Thus, it’s not a stretch to say that someone somewhere is will start currency trading at any given hour of the day. But, it’s important to acknowledge that not all times are the best times to trade forex. Since the North American market is open after midnight in IST, forex trading technically goes on for 6 days a week from an IST perspective.

Currencies are an important part for most of the people around the world because the currencies are required to be exchanged in the sense to do foreign trade and to do business. Though forex trading in India is available 24 hours from Monday to Friday, Ethics vs Morals certain times are more favourable than others. Most traders agree that the best forex trading time in India is when the market is most active. Active markets provide you with tight spreads, high volume, and plenty of opportunities for making profits.

The Balance uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed is okcoin legit studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. He’s been interviewed by Stocks & Commodities Magazine as a featured trader for the month and is mentioned weekly by Forex Factory next to publications from CNN and Bloomberg. Justin created Daily Price Action in 2014 and has since grown the monthly readership to over 100,000 Forex traders and has personally mentored more than 3,000 students.

  • In this market, there is customization available for the trader to choose.
  • Out of these financial centers, four are considered as major trading centers for the Forex market, which are New York, London, Tokyo, and Sydney.
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This is not especially a final version and I’m sure other relevant information can be added in this tool. The “Session Liquidity” TradingView indicator by Infinity Trading creates dynamic horizontal lines at the high and low points of a specified time span within the trading day. This indicator gives the user control of three separate time spans so the user can dynamically see the highs and lows of their favorite daily time spans. Let’s have a look at the timings of major global forex exchanges as per Indian Standard Time in the next section. For example, in GBP/USD pair traded has the highest volatility within the first hour of market opening . You can see 0.50% volatility as compared to 0.14% which is the average volatility in GBP/USD pair.

Why is the Forex Market Considered 24 Hours?

The following week, it dropped to #16, selling another 9094 units, bringing total sales up to just under 33,000 units. By mid-January, it had dropped to #27, but its sell-through rate had increased. This is to inform that, many instances were reported by general public where fraudsters are cheating general public by misusing our brand name Motilal Oswal. Though we have filed complaint with police for the safety of your money we request you to not fall prey to such fraudsters. You can check about our products and services by visiting our website You can also write to us at , to know more about products and services.

And believe us, there will be times when the market is as still as the victims of Medusa. BUT you will have a very difficult time trying to make money when the market doesn’t move at all. You can make money trading when the market moves up, and you can even make money when the market moves down. With, you can trade forex 24-hours a day, five days a week – from 10pm on a Sunday evening to 10pm on a Friday night. You’ll have the choice of trading 90 global FX pairs with competitive spreads.

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You ideally want to day trade the EUR/USD between 1300 and 1600 GMT to maximize efficiency. During this period, you’ll see the biggest moves of the day, which means greater profit potential, and the spread and commissions will have the least impact relative to potential profit. Volatility changes over time, but the most volatile hours generally do not change too much.

What Is Forex Trading? A Beginner’s Guide

That said, there is a significant overlap in the market hours for trading either currency type. Here’s a detailed explanation of the forex market hours for INR pairs and cross-currency pairs. The largest volume of trades occurs during these times, and currency prices are most active. Of course, there is still some trading activity outside of these main sessions, but it is typically much quieter, and prices may be more stable.

So, for some traders, depending on which part of the world they are in, the market opens on Sunday itself while for certain traders , the market opens only on Monday morning. If you are in India, the forex market hours in India are such that the market opens only on Monday early morning. None of the analysis that you have made, either fundamental or technical, would be useful at times of low liquidity as the market is rocked this way. This page features opening and closing hours for the various trading sessions on a world map for both forex and stock markets. The forex map displays all four forex trading sessions and when they overlap. The stock market map displays the trading hours for major global stock exchanges.

This is one of the more destructive habits of new traders and is enabled by the fact that the Forex market never closes. It offers up to 250 different trading instruments and specializes in forex, stocks, and CFDs. Separately, the Swiss franc tumbled after Switzerland’s central bank raised rates by 75 bps, when some had talked up the possibility of a full percentage point move. North American traders cautiously pushed the dollar higher against the yen after Japan stepped in, but for now, few are challenging Japan’s action.

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Any devaluations and there would be concerns that the economy is about to weaken, such a view a negative for the Asian emerging currencies. The Forex Market Time Zone Converter displays which trading session is open in your current local time. The forex market is open 24 hours a day in different parts of the world, from 5 p.m.

We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in oureditorial policy. If you use a VPN service, make sure you are connecting from the country that is authorized for services. I accept Client Agreement/Terms and Conditions and all risks related to trading operations. Discover which hours of the day bring the highest potential profits and which hours can bring you losses. As there are multiple trading strategies and trading styles, identifying when markets open is a crucial step in organising your trading plan.

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In a nutshell, remaining profitable in the FX market requires a lot of skill, knowledge, and time. The best forex signal providers in 2022 help traders by alerting them to several trading opportunities during the week with which the trader can execute trades. Many of the foreign exchange is done for practical purposes, the majority of the trade for currency conversion is undertaken for the motive of earning a profit. The total amount of currency that is converted daily can make price movements of certain currencies that are extremely volatile due totrading of large volumes. It is the volatility that makes forex attractive for the traders because it brings a greater amount of chances for high profits and thus it increases the risk. The game alternates between real-world Tokyo and the Idolaspheres—alternate dimensions where enemy Mirages roam.

Start Trading!

All packages provide up to three signals daily, with a very high success rate of 76%. The signals provide the entry price, the take-profit level , and the stop-loss – the level that invalidates the signal). Additionally, each signal offers the amount of risk per trade and its risk-to-reward ratio. Considering the factors above, let us look closely at the best forex signal providers for 2022. The Norwegian crown eased against the euro and dollar after the country’s central bank hiked interest rates by an expected 50 bps, and signalled a more gradual approach to tightening ahead. In contrast, central banks around the world, most notably the Federal Reserve, are raising rates aggressively and the policy divergence has weighed on the yen.

What Are Forex Trading Advantages And Disadvantages

The euro, pound, Swiss franc, the Australian and New Zealand dollars, among others, also plunged against the yen. E) Trading / Trading in “Options” based on recommendations from unauthorised / unregistered investment advisors and influencers. The exchange can be performed for various reasons, such as fostering international trade, tourism, or commercial purposes. When you open a leveraged position, your broker will require you to deposit a certain amount of money to cover the potential losses on your trade. Finally, the dollar strengthening came to an end from a short term perspective. Yashiro’s voice actor Yoshimasa Hosoya found singing for the role difficult as he lacked a natural sense of rhythm.

Such increased activity means bigger opportunities in currency prices, and sometimes orders are executed at prices that differ from those you expected. Our Research and Education center offers daily updates on all the major trading sessions along with multiple daily briefings on all critical market events which daily shape the global markets. Forex markets are moved by factors such as economic data, central bank announcements and political uncertainty. When you’re trading FX, it’s important to remember you’re speculating on two currencies, so you’ll need to monitor market movers in each country. Before you dive into these trading sessions, it is always important to get a better understanding of how forex trading works and how to trade forex.

The offers that appear in this table are from partnerships from which Investopedia receives compensation. Movements in the New York Stock Exchange can have an immediate and powerful effect on the dollar. When companies merge, and acquisitions are finalized, the dollar can gain or lose value instantly. This blog mission is to teach people about Forex trading, including trading strategies, robots , and indicators. Being an entrepreneur follow these Steps to Start Strategic Marketing Planning… Trading leveraged products such as Forex and CFDs may not be suitable for all investors as they carry a high degree of risk to your capital.

Psychodynamic Therapy Techniques For Addiction

Recovering addicts who can develop a deep bond with their therapist usually obtain the best results. This treatment is highly interactive and is conducted over numerous sessions, typically over a long time. One of the key features of the psychodynamic model is to study the conflict between the conscious and unconscious mind.

What is the difference between Durkheim and Weber?

Weber, inspired by the German intellectual position, emphasized meaning and the interpretation of individual action in his studies. Durkheim, on the other hand, represented the French intellectual orientation in sociological theory and proposed ideas like collective consciousness and social collectivity.

These representations guide behaviors, attitudes, and expectations, and emerge during the first mother-infant interactions (Huth-Bocks, Muzik, Beeghly, Earls, & Stacks, 2014; Suchman, McMahon, Zhang, Mayes, & Luthar, 2006). It is instructive to note that many individuals experiment with drugs but few become addicted. The success of therapy and the lasting change require the patients come into contact with previously inaccessible aspects purpose and structure of oxford house of their inner feelings. Helping patients increase the ability to engage in self-reflection and identify alternative ways to manage difficult emotions are part of the psychodynamic approach to addiction treatment. For instance, individuals with histories of exposure to adverse childhood environments (e.g., physical and sexual abuse) tend to have a diminished capacity to regulate negative emotions and cope effectively with stress.

Addiction Essential Reads

Echoing psychodynamic object relations theories, secure attachment bonds have been suggested to protect an individual from developing an addiction . For instance, sensitive parenting has been found to promote the development of the executive functioning skills and self-regulation (Berner et al., 2010). It has been argued that growing up in a nurturing environment samhsas national helpline could promote a more effective distress regulation system and a greater ability to refrain from overindulging in recreational drugs (Fonagy et al., 2004). Importantly, not all insecurely attached children develop an addiction later in life (Schindler & Bröning, 2015). Converging research suggests that addiction and attachment have overlapping neural pathways.

What are the 2 goals of sociology?

Sociology Objectives

To teach students the concepts, theories, and methods of the behavioral and social services. 2. To introduce students to the basic social processes of society, social institutions and patterns of social behavior.

The biopsychosocial model of the addictions advocates for a variety of treatment which impacts on addictive behavior. Despite this, anyone who has worked clinically with addicts often has a feeling that these focused approaches, appear inadequate in addressing and understanding clients’ emotions and sufferings, even though addiction often occurs within the context of distressed feelings. First, from an ego-psychology perspective, addiction is more likely in individuals with underdeveloped executive functioning or ego-functions, primarily reality testing, stimulus barrier, judgement, impulse control, and the synthetic-integrative function (Bellak, Hurvich, & Gedeman, 1973).

Psychodynamic therapy and its effectiveness with other treatment approaches

It assumes that all behavior expressed in adult life has a cause or reason behind it, typically originating from childhood experiences. Thoughts, feelings and behaviors are intertwined in active substance use, so all of these aspects need to be addressed during treatment in order to achieve long-term recovery. Based on the interactions between the substance and the brain’s reward system, repeated substance use can create a psychological dependence, resulting in addiction. For example, for every additional ACE score, there is a correlated 62% increase in the rate of the number of prescription drugs used. Furthermore, a two- to four-fold increase in the likelihood of early initiation into illicit drug use is observed each time an ACE of childhood abuse, neglect, or household dysfunction is introduced. The ultimate aim of each session is to teach the addict a new skill to eliminate the unconscious connections between past experiences and current-day triggers for substance abuse.

What are the 2 branches of sociology?

According to Sorokin, Sociology can be divided into two branches- General Sociology and special sociology. General sociology studies the properties and uniformities common to all social and cultural phenomena in their structural and dynamic aspects.

At this point, it is not uncommon for close friends or family members to distance themselves from the individual struggling with their substance use until eventually, the individual’s entire social network consists of other people who use and/or are addicted to substances. Our writers and reviewers are experienced professionals in medicine, addiction treatment, and healthcare. AddictionResource fact-checks all the information before publishing and uses only credible and trusted sources when citing any medical data. The Verified badge on our articles is a trusted sign of the most comprehensive scientifically-based medical content.

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The neurobiological perspective provides a considerably structured and empirically-based approach, acknowledging that substance use leads to a series of neurochemical reactions in the brain that have structural and functional neuroadaptations. The opponent-process approach (Solomon & Corbit, 1974) suggests that the shift from substance use to substance abuse is generated by the transition from positive to negative reinforcement processes motivating continued substance use. From the perspective of incentive sensitization (Robinson & Berridge, 1993), the shift reflects an associative learning process mediated by a neurobiological sensitization to substance-related cues.

psychodynamic model of addiction

This vulnerability, coupled with a stressful or demanding environment, hinders the proper development of the superego and limits the ego’s ability to develop more mature defense mechanisms for self-regulation (e.g., repression, displacement, sublimation, or humor; Freud, A., 1937). The ego is therefore limited to more primitive defensive strategies, including denial, idealization, and projective identification –defense mechanisms that are commonly reported in patients with addiction (Freud, A., 1937; Kernberg, 1975). Therefore, when such a fragile core-ego is faced with the hedonic demands of the Id, it may give in to the demands, for example, by procuring and consuming psychoactive drugs, or engaging compulsively in gambling, sex, or binge-eating (Freud, S, 1915; Fonagy & Target, 2008). In addiction treatment settings, psychodynamic theory is applied to help guide the individual to examine past experiences that may have factored into the substance use disorder. By openly confronting these experiences — which may be painful, traumatic events from as far back as early childhood — the patient can process and eventually heal from the pain in a guided, therapeutic environment.

Addiction is a psychiatric disorder characterized by a pathological and compulsive pattern of drug-seeking and drug-taking behaviors that occupy an extraordinary amount of an individual’s time and efforts, leading to significant functional impairments to meet the responsibilities of work, school, or home . Data from the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health suggested that 24.6 million Americans aged 12 years or older had consumed a psychoactive drug a month prior to the survey . Persistent use of psychoactive drugs may lead to long-term changes in the brain, leading to the multiple symptoms and features of addictions, including craving, withdrawal, and tolerance (Robbins, Everitt, & Nutt, 2008; Volkow, Wang, Fowler, Tomasi, & Telang, 2011). The disruptive pattern of drug-seeking behaviors persists despite the negative consequences of addiction, with many individuals struggling to reduce or abstain substance use (Johnson, 2013; Robinson & Berridge, 2008).

Neurobiological theories of addiction

Psychodynamic therapy is effective for people with substance abuse issues for many reasons. First, recovering addicts get in touch with unconscious feelings and emotions they are unaware of. The psychodynamic theory states that childhood experiences play a significant role in establishing these unconscious processes in the mind that stick around into adult life. Central to this attachment-based integration of neuroscience and psychoanalysis are the mental representations of attachment or the internal working models of expectations and attributions about the mother, the child, and the dyadic relationship .

  • That is because recovering clients learn skills to evaluate their thoughts, look into their minds, and identify the reasons for current behaviors.
  • The neurobiological perspective provides a considerably structured and empirically-based approach, acknowledging that substance use leads to a series of neurochemical reactions in the brain that have structural and functional neuroadaptations.
  • Psychodynamic therapy—whereby a clinician helps an individual process and heal from their pain, become more aware of their unconscious thoughts, and analyze deep feelings about their past experiences—can be incredibly beneficial when working with a person with a history of trauma.
  • These imaginary representations are imbued with real (i.e., conscious) and fantasized (i.e., unconscious) qualities of significant others and relationships.

A strong client-therapist relationship is critical because the procedure is only effective when the client feels comfortable in frankly and honestly sharing deep-seated emotions. The path to recovery involves both client and therapist working together toward a life free from the influence of past conflicts. The goal is to get the addict to a point where they do not feel the need to use alcohol or drugs. By teaching the addict to face underlying emotions, this form of therapy lowers the chances of relapse from addiction recovery.

The psychodynamic model of addiction views substance use through a psychodynamic lens whereby past experiences, thoughts, and circumstances are believed to shape a person’s present behaviors. This particular model is especially helpful when working with clients with a severe or extensive history of traumatic events. Addiction Resource is an educational platform for sharing and disseminating information about addiction and substance abuse recovery centers. Addiction Resource is not a healthcare provider, nor does it claim to offer sound medical advice to anyone.

Psychodynamic therapy can be a useful treatment method to help individuals better understand the emotional issues behind their behaviors. Combining psychodynamic therapy with behavioral therapies like CBT and DBT can provide a comprehensive multi-modal approach for the treatment of substance use disorders. From a neurobiological perspective, addictions are understood as a series of within- and between-system neuroadaptations, which may lead to structural and functional brain changes that impact reward processing, executive functioning, and emotion regulation (Koob & Le Moal, 2008; Potenza, 2008; Volkow et al., 2011). In the case of SUDs, the neurochemical properties of substances may exert differential effects on neurotransmitter systems.

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It refers to the process of observing and imitating others, thereby resulting in the acquisition of new behaviors. Rehabs are open and ready to accept new patients and provide them with various forms of physical and psychological support. There will never be an appropriate time to start the recovery process, drinking before bed won’t help you sleep better so the best time to start is now. The concept of the ego (one’s sense of “I”) is relatively compatible with contemporary knowledge of the prefrontal cortex which is in charge of self-control. The ego responds to id and superego impulses by modifying them as a way of managing conflict and danger.

The central element to the psychodynamic perspective is the notion that the behavior of humans is defined to a great extent by unconscious factors. The individual is unaware of these factors, yet they influence their emotions, their judgment, and the way they behave. The intensity of anxiety differs according to the gap between external demands and the person’s self-protective resources to handle them.

psychodynamic model of addiction

Also, Robinson and Berridge argue that the insidious brain changes that sensitize the brain to drug-related cues can lead to relapse even long after the disappearance of withdrawal symptoms. The psychodynamic model is different from other types of cognitive therapy or experiential therapy techniques. However, it comes with its benefits and can help recovering addicts deal with the causes of their drug use. The psychodynamic approach can help deal not only with the addiction but with other unpleasant mental health problems that come with it.

Consequently, absent or traumatically ruptured attachments are expected to impact the development of personal identity and affect regulation (Berner, Carlos, & Whipple, 2010; Fonagy et al., 2004; Speranza et al., 2017). Psychodynamic theories also emphasize the role of context in the development of addictions. Parallel to neurobiological accounts, addictive processes are intrasystemic Id conflicts related to underdeveloped ego functions and defense mechanisms (Freud, A. 1937), failures in symbolization (Kernberg et al., 2008), or a pathological relationship to the pleasure principle (Bazan & Detandt, 2013). However, adverse caregiving experiences in early life may in particular foster the aforementioned deficits, as they lead to conflicting mental representations of self and others (Fonagy & Target, 2008).

Given the aforementioned commonalities amongst neurobiological and psychodynamic accounts of addiction, can we synergistically bring these approaches together to further understand the nature of addiction to optimize intervention and prevention efforts? Consistent with this notion, high rates of comorbidity between SUDs, trauma histories, and psychiatric disorders have been reported (Espinosa, Beckwith, Howard, Tyler, & Swanson, 2001; Milby, Sims, Khuder, Schumacher, & Huggins, 1996; Suchman & Luthar, 2000). A growing body of evidence also suggests an intergenerational transmission of attachment patterns and poor developmental outcomes of children of addicted parents, including substance abuse (Salo & Flykt, 2013; Slade, Grienenberger, Bernbach, Levy, & Locker, 2005; Fonagy, & Target, 2005; Lyden & Suchman, 2013; Stacks et al., 2014). Finally, individuals who have experienced early adversity may have greater difficulties with affect regulation and engaging in rewarding relationships, which may render them vulnerable to turn to drug use as a means of coping (Crittenden, 2015; Fonagy & Target, 2008). Taken together, an attachment perspective affords the opportunity to adopt a developmental stance in the understanding of addiction and the contribution of neurobiology and psychoanalysis in this endeavor.

psychodynamic model of addiction

The addiction problem prevents the user from understanding her distress, as well as the development of an emotional capacity to self-soothe. For what it’s worth, the biopsychosocial model is my preferred theoretical framework to approach the issue of addiction from. It incorporates elements from many different models of addiction to take a more holistic view of substance use and addiction. While this model does emphasize some universal aspects of addiction—such as the reward system of the brain being activated by substances—it also acknowledges the many idiosyncrasies and intricacies of addiction.

This skill helps prevent substance abuse and relapse and also lead a generally happier and healthier life. Eventually, most individuals with an addiction reach a more mature and realistic psychological state, in which defenses may be more stable and the individual less threatened by the internal and external worlds . However, it has been argued that this developmental achievement is not stable enough given the absence of “containment” or psychological support from early caregivers. Therefore, individuals with addiction are more prone to retreat to more primitive coping strategies and psychological states when negative emotions emerge (e.g., withdrawing, or returning to past relationships, behaviors, or fears; Kernberg, 1975). Therefore, addiction may be understood as a failure in the ability to evoke the soothing qualities of the good internal object (i.e., symbolization; Bion, 1962; Klein, 1930; Segal, 1998), or as an attempt to “control” these object qualities through the use of drugs to modulate feelings of distress . Taken together, while multiple theories of addiction exist, many are not mutually exclusive.

NIO Stock Price NIO Inc ADR Stock Quote U.S.: NYSE

In 2022, the NYSE cemented its reputation as a place where icons and disruptors convene. From high fashion to electric motorcycles, from racecars to world leaders, here is a look back at the year that was. Get stock recommendations, portfolio guidance, and more from The Motley Fool’s premium services. Nio is planning to launch five new models in 2023, is still eyeing a mass-market brand, and expects its gross margin to hit 20% to 25% next year if battery costs fall.

acciones nio

NIO just saw a major milestone in China, delivering its 200,000th production vehicle since its inception on Sunday. Nio shares have been on fire this year boosted by analyst ratings. Morgan Stanley to upgraded to Overweight while UBS boosts its rating to a Neutral from Sell.

At 230, the NYSE Continues to Transform and Evolve

Also, Shanghai, a key Li Auto market, will end free license plates for plug-in hybrids on Jan. 1. Li Auto has begun presales of another hybrid SUV, the L7, which will be out by spring 2023. A smaller L6 will be Li Auto’s most affordable vehicle.

acciones nio

Nio is one of the dominant players in China’s hot electric vehicle market, and the company had to suspend operations at a couple of factories last month as lockdowns were imposed. Rose in after-hours trading Tuesday after the company reported better than expected results and offered positive guidance for the current quarter. Earlier this month, NIO shares were hit after the company cut its deliveries estimate, blaming on-going semiconductor chip shortages that have plagued much of the auto industry this year. Nio’s delay had to do with its user trust shareholding, to which the HKEX took exception.


Intraday data delayed at least 15 minutes or per exchange requirements. The Shanghai-based electric vehicle maker said proceeds from the sale will be used to fortify its balance sheet and for general corporate purposes. Shanghai-based electric vehicle maker says funds will be used to strengthen balance sheet and for other corporate purposes. Start Trading Stocks in 3 Days Learn how to trade stocks like a pro with just 3 email lessons! Sign up for free today.MarketDiem Flash Sale Seize the market with top trade ideas delivered daily—get 1 year of MarketDiem for $20.Follow IBD on TikTok!

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Indeed, the wait times for some of Nio’s models have already dropped by about a couple of weeks, according to the latest report from China-based new energy vehicle-focused website, CnEvPost. The biggest takeaway, though, is Nio’s outlook for the fourth quarter, which should allay fears about the company’s growth. To better understand 2022’s trading patterns, we have examined the Buy, Sell, and Hold transactions of the 597,601 investors who hold a TipRanks Smart Portfolio.

Shares of Chinese electric-vehicle makers rose Tuesday in Hong Kong, led by Li Auto Inc., after strong December delivery data. Receive full access to our market insights, commentary, newsletters, breaking news alerts, and more. At last check, Nio shares were rallying 7.5% to $22.51. A secondary listing has advantages over a dual-primary listing in that the former allows more exemptions, is cost effective and a relatively speedier route.

Called Yangwang, which means “looking up,” it’ll target the luxury market for 800,000 yuan ($110,300) or more, starting with an off-road SUV. The Energy-Solar group is ranked No. 6 out of 197 currently, but there are definitely leaders and laggards. Earnings per share have surged in the past few years, from 64 cents in 2019 to $1.96 in 2020, $9.89 in 2021 and an estimated $27.44 in 2022. Daqo New Energy is one of the leading and lowest-cost manufacturers of high-purity polysilicon for the global solar photovoltaic industry. Shares surged to a 52-week high of 41.49 on June 24. LI stock has plunged since then, hitting a two-year low on Oct. 24.

NIO Inc. ADR falls Tuesday, underperforms market

The startup has largely shaken off Covid-related production disruptions. PDD stock skyrocketed Aug. 29 on earnings, briefly breaking out. Shares traded in or near the buy zone for weeks before falling back sharply. BYD stock sold off since midyear, crashing to hit a 17-month low on Nov. 25.

The service, dubbed as “battery as a service”, entails drivers paying a monthly rental fee for use of the batteries. With its first steps into the European market being Norway, it sped ahead in the EV market and garnered 500 total deliveries in Norway by May. Net proceeds will be used how to use an economic calendar for research and development in autonomous driving technologies and general corporate purposes. Please visit this URL to review a list of supported browsers. Neha Chamaria has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Nio Inc.

Among the best are Nio , Daqo New Energy , Li Auto , Pinduoduo and BYD Co. . ET5 could be a game changer for Nio, as the car already made it to the top 10-selling premium sedans list in China in October. Some months ago, William Li even projected ET5 sales in China to overtake BMW 3 Series within a year. The gasoline-powered BMW 3 Series is currently among the top-selling premium sedans in China.

  • Intraday Data provided by FACTSET and subject to terms of use.
  • Fearing Nio’s production and deliveries to take a beating, investors dumped the EV stock — Nio shares lost nearly 33% value in just one month through Nov. 9.
  • Shares of Chinese electric-vehicle makers rose Tuesday in Hong Kong, led by Li Auto Inc., after strong December delivery data.
  • Another advantage of buying ETFs is that a growing number of Chinese companies are listing in Hong Kong or Shanghai, instead of or in addition to the U.S.
  • The gasoline-powered BMW 3 Series is currently among the top-selling premium sedans in China.

Daqo stock is trying to build the right side of a consolidation. That four-month consolidation is part of a much-larger base going back to early 2021. Shares has rebounded back above its 50-day and 200-day lines. Along with concerns about Li’s model transition, concerns are growing about China EV market demand generally.

That includes 229,942 personal vehicles and 485 commercial units. Of those personal vehicles, some 113,915 were fully electric, or battery electric vehicles , up 147% vs. November 2021. In electric vehicles, several Chinese companies are serious rivals to Tesla in the world’s biggest auto market. Reports of the demise of electric vehicle stocks have been greatly exaggerated, with the latest EV stock rally proving that. Massive gains were seen throughout the industry, including from small names like Faraday Fut… If they’re not profitable, at least look for rapid revenue growth.

Earlier in November, Bloomberg reported Nio to have lost production and deliveries worth roughly 7,000 and 5,000 units, respectively. Backed by 29% higher deliveries, Nio generated roughly $1.8 billion in revenue in Q3, up 32.6% year over year. High battery costs, however, continue to be a chink in the armor, and that hurt Nio’s vehicle margin and gross margin yet again in the third quarter. Shares of NIO fell in after-hours trading following the announcement.

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In the first 11 months of 2022, BYD’s sales of all-electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles vaulted 132% to top 1.62 million units. The automaker has a dual listing on the Hong Kong exchange. On Dec. 1, Li Auto reported record November deliveries of 15,034 vehicles. That was up 11.5% vs. October’s 10,052 and nearly 50% vs. a year earlier. Li Auto is one of several Chinese electric-vehicle makers that trade in the U.S., competing with each other and Tesla .

Join IBD experts as they analyze actionable stocks in the stock market rally on IBD Live. As always, investors should be following the overall stock market trend. The Hang Seng surged 5.2% on Nov. 29 amid hopes that Xi will pivot on harsh Covid controls, with Covid infections falling slightly from record highs. The Hang Seng popped 2.2% on Nov. 30, even after disappointing economic data.

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NIO, Inc. is a holding company which engages in the design, manufacture, and sale of electric vehicles. Its products include the EP9 supercar and ES8 7-seater SUV. It provides users with home charging, power express valet services, and other power solutions including access to public charging, access to power mobile charging trucks, and battery swapping. It also offers other value-added services such as service package, battery payment arrangement, and vehicle financing and license plate registration.

The best China stocks should have strong technicals, including superior price performance over time. But we’ll be highlighting stocks that are near proper buy points from bullish bases or rebounds from key levels. Fearing Nio’s production and deliveries to take a beating, investors dumped the city index reviews EV stock — Nio shares lost nearly 33% value in just one month through Nov. 9. Intraday Data provided by FACTSET and subject to terms of use. Historical and current end-of-day data provided by FACTSET. Real-time last sale data for U.S. stock quotes reflect trades reported through Nasdaq only.

Tesla led Thursday’s rally, but gains were broad-based ahead of a key inflation report. BYD is listed in Hong Kong and trades over the counter in the U.S. The BYDDF stock chart is prone to lots of little gaps up and down. BYD also will launch a highly personalized upscale brand in 2023, with the automaker giving few details. BYD also will launch a personalized brand next year, with few details given.

Nio stock has plunged in recent months on fears of slower growth. Create a list of the investments you want to track. The stock gained $11.67, or 4.5%, to $275 in after-hours trading. UiPath develops software and systems to automate a variety of tasks for its client companies. Fell after the company reported its latest financial results. BofA’s Hsun Lee said he sees the Hong Kong listing as providing Nio with an “extra financing channel” that could be considered in terms of hedging geopolitical risks.


Shares bounced in early November, fueled by the Covid policy buzz, as well as the L8 delivery launch. Li Auto reported on Nov. 26 that parts shortages will delay deliveries of some L9 and L8 versions. It’s unclear if that had any impact on late November deliveries.

The company’s founder and CEO William Li had transferred one-third of his Nio stock to the user trust and also vested the right to sell the shares and realize the proceeds to Nio users. Pinduoduo on Nov. 28 reported Q3 earnings shot up 256% vs. a year earlier, easily beating views and picking up from Q2’s 157%.. Revenue leapt 65% to $4.99 billion, with growth accelerating for a third straight quarter. BYD will build an auto plant in Thailand, with production set to begin in 2024. It’s also going to build factories in Brazil, including one for personal vehicles. One way to minimize individual China stock risks is via ETFs.

Eventos financieros (dividendos, etc.)

Hong Kong initial public offering plan is finally falling into place. IBD Videos Get market updates, educational videos, webinars, and stock analysis. ET7 deliveries in Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark. PDD stock soared on Nov. 28 following earnings, blasting above a 72.74 handle buy point. Shares have kept climbing and are now extended from that entry.

NIO Inc is a China-based holding company principally engaged in the research, development and manufacturing of premium smart electric vehicles. The Company is mainly engaged in the design, development, manufacture and sales of high-end smart electric vehicles. The Company’s products mainly include ES8, ES6, EC6 and ET7. The Company develops battery swapping technologies and autonomous driving technologies.

At our core, ICE creates the connections that drive global opportunity. For established corporations, for tomorrow’s startups, for the leaders of today and the families of tomorrow. We help market participants make more transparent investment and risk management decisions. We help customers navigate the transition to a more sustainable future. We help companies raise capital so they can change the world.